The remote control for the telly hasn't featured very much over the whole festive season. Board games have certainly made a showing, including up-to-the minute topical questions from Trivial Pursuit's gambling version and a couple of vintage appearances from that game that involves uranium mining in Peru and Moon shots. That's the game where you have to balance happiness, fame and money to win according to your own secret formula.

Then there is Stockbroker, complete with its couple of specially developed extra £10 million pound banknotes because some of us get so good at the wheeler-dealering.

And, of course, there are the silly games, whether it's racing to dress one another in newspaper or clockwork snail racing. More here

Festive tidings to all.
1 comment:
Mum & I have played a few games of Othello over Christmas. She upped her game earlier this evening and won a game for a change :D
All the best for 2017! :)
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