Its a Thursday - so Thursday Thirteen would be on the cards. It's also referendum day, so I'll see whether I can find a few quick songs to assist the voting process.
1) Dazed and Confused - live Led Zeppelin with a lesson in Les Paul playing.
And of course the dazed and confused is probably reflective of most of the electorate today.
2) An X Factor moment. I dislike the X factor, but decided that today I'd make an exception, as long as it wasn't with the usual suspects.
This Ukranian X factor scene when the judges accuse the singer (Aida Nikolaychuk) of miming is a mistrust moment.
We had plenty of mistrust in the Referendum campaign. Although in Russian, it's still easy to work out what is happening. Key phrase: A cappella.
3) I wasn’t born to follow The Byrds continue this brief dance to the music of time.
Written by Carole King, it's one of those earworms that'll put a skip into the step on the way to the polling booths.
4) Something darker next. Politician. Cream. With Eric Clapton riffing the very wide triangular lapels of an orange suit.
Hey now baby, get into my big black car. I wanna just show you what my politics are.
And that brings me to the badmouthing that has gone on throughout the campaign.
5) The Life And Death Of Mr Badmouth PJ Harvey. Fill in your own politician for this one. There's plenty to choose from.
Polly peeks at an aspect of the human condition.
6) Don't look back in anger Oasis. I've used the ending from Our Friends in the North, where the song is used to good effect. Play from 6:00.
Bribery, politics, north/south divide, crime, job cuts. All in the screenplay.
7) Electioneering Radiohead. Self explanatory look at tactics.
or, if by now you are tired of it all and instead want to try the guitar part, then this is a good finger clicking alternative version.
8) Working class hero John Lennon.
It may have been written in 1970, but still fresh now.
9) To have and have not Billy Bragg - something by Billy required in any political track listing.
Qualifications, once the golden rule.
10) Trouble Town Jake Bugg - watch out for the speed bumps.
My inner DJ keeps this type of track in the listing. I know.
11) Ruled by secrecy Muse - pointing out the games behind the scenes.
A bit of a neutron star collision at the beginning, then live performance. Muse has performances and sets that really go all the way to 11. Their show biz dazzle is fine. Less so for the swervy politicians.
12) Boris come back - the rather troubling 45 second song by David Cameron and Boris Johnston.
I'd ask them why they don't answer the direct questions they get asked, but it would be self-defeating.
13) Just don't know - by three random street performers.
A busker who then jams with two passing people.
It's far more positive to end with something showing the power of togetherness, rather than, say, Four Horsemen by Clash or Eve of Destruction [D G A D +(Bm) +(A7)]
Time to put that X in a box.
The world is on the edge of its seat on that vote. I enjoyed the Cream video, love Zepplin and here is another Easy Rider tune/dance party that we heard at a beach concert by "The British Invasion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ge1ZlPiBw
A great list; some I never heard, but many are my faves from way back. Especially appreciate you including Mr Lennon. Cheers.
You did an amazing job of creating a soundtrack for the election.
Thanks for the songs!
I woke to the news of the exit from the EU. I am sorry not only for Britain but also the world; it will have a massive affect on multiple things. I don't know where you stand on the issue but I hope, whatever your choice, that you make out okay.
Colleen Thanks for the revised Steppenwolf track. Born to be wild!
rlavalette Yes, I tried to include some oldies as well as some more recent tunes.
Alice Audrey and Mia Celeste Thanks - it doesn't take long to pout together the track titles. Slightly longer to include you tube videos !
Country Dew Yes - it will all go a bit strange for a while until a new equilibrium is reached.
pout = put above ... duh.
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