A few days ago I posted a couple of pictures from around Battersea Power Station, illustrating the changes that are taking place. That's one of my pictures of the real thing, above.
I've also remarked that the changes are now happening faster than the artists' impressions.

The above example artist's illustration is of the work in progress. Behind the building reminiscent of stacked sandwiches with the crusts cut off, adjacent to the gas tower, is the temple-like structure of the QVC building, used to broadcast those fragrant channels selling cuckoo clocks, resemblance jewellery and curious home help devices. The kind of television channel that featured in Bridget Jones, the Movie.
It's gone. The below picture from the rashbre air force a few months ago shows the same area just as the first cranes arrived.

It's before the first chimney was knocked down on the Power Station, but look behind the power station and what can we see?
A big gap where the QVC building isn't.
No, it's being turned into another set of residential blocks, adjacent to the gas tower shown in this picture. They demolished QVC Marco Polo House and I think are planning some new 15-17 storey apartment buildings. And yes, they've left the crusts on these designer loaves.

So the artistic illustration below with the tidied up sandwiches, the reduced paths and the new ferry stopping point is also wrong.
See? the QVC has re-appeared.

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