rashbre central: spiking a little high

Monday 19 November 2012

spiking a little high

Morning and evening darkness and a very low sun yet still around a month to the shortest day.

As I returned from work the sun disappeared before I'd even caught the Tube.

Then when I emerged again, it was also steadily raining. I'd already decided that the evening would feature a spin on the bike, and by this point knew it would be a turbo trainer session.
The little graph shows that I ran out of steam before the end of the session. I'd not noticed that the last three blocks of spinning would be combinations of high effort mixed with short recovery slots.

I managed the first block's ups and downs, but then had to admit defeat. I can't really blame the depressing movie I was watching. I think I had the whole session dialled up a bit high. My tee-shirt noticed.

I'll admit I had spotted the hardest bit of the programme was the last 30 or so minutes, but not the spikiness. Maybe too much after a busy day. I bailed 23 minutes from the end.

I shall need to practice some more before I try that particular sequence again.

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