It was a fairly simple edit, but of a large amount of raw material, so I decided to try Final Cut Pro X, instead my more usual Final Cut Studio. FCPX is supposed to herald the modern digital workflow for video.
And I was using a completely digital workflow, using CF based files direct from the camcorder in a professional format (4:2:2). I was therefore somewhat surprised to see that FCPX doesn't seem to support the current generation Canon format (.MXF).
I could Log the recording into the older FCP Studio version, but to work with FCPX I had to use another circa £35 program (Foxreal) to import the files. I had to transcode everything from .MXF to ProRes 422.
I felt it defeated the object of the claimed digital workflow if the latest software didn't work with one of the main digital camcorder formats.
My edit is complete now and the final version is currently outputting to disk before I convert it to DVD, hence this time to muse on the exercise. I'll probably revert to FCP Studio for my next edits, and wait for FCPX to acquire some more functionality.
Well, my dear....You might as well be writing in Chinese for all that I understood of this post. Oh yes, I understood a few words---Canon, Final Cut, etc...But after that....NADA! LOL!
Whatever....I hope things work out better, next time.
Naomi : Indeed it sometimes feels like Chinese.
I sometimes drop a tekky post in, particularly if it's something I think I'll need to do again and have had to figure out 'the hard way'.
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