Alongside working over the last few days, I've also been helping out with the Bubbleandsqueek Hamlet production at Star and Shadow.
It rocked.
But more of that later, as they say.
Right now, its fun to show a few of the new inductees to the Court of Elsinore, which was a facet of the production.

The woodland grove entrance to the steampunk attic cafe gave people a chance to adapt to the ways of steam before entering the theatre clasping their personal cups of poison.

Along the way was a chance to try out the red attic throne of Denmark, and many of the audience were only to happy to try out running the Kingdom.

As you'll see, some were quite vociferous in their feelings that something was rotten in the State of Denmark. And there's more pix below - click the to view slide show...
It looks very interesting but hard to tell exactly what is going on...It was not a traditional "HAMLET", I take it....(smile)
Naomi: Ahah ! I see you can tell a hawk from a handsaw!
The pictures show various members of the audience being inducted to the Court of Elsinore on the steampunk attic's royal sofa before the show started.
These lucky people also received some of Claudius poison to drink on the way into the show.
I'll load some production shots later, but don't have the right connecty-bits at the moment.
Looks like the audience had quite a bit of fun with it. I hope it all went well and the house was bought down so to speak?
Some looked as if they could be cast members. All seemed to be having a good time.
All I'll write up the show later - it went brilliantly. As you've observed, the glamourous audience were right in to the spirit of it and the show played to packed houses!
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