I've always liked the advertising for Marmite, along the lines "we don't care whether you like it or not" and the subsequent quotes around "its like Marmite, some do, some don't".
There's always been the Marmite Love and Marmite Hate sites - both with links from Marmite's home site.
It's reached a whole new level now that a whole country has banned it.
The guilty secret cupboard at rashbre central now has a stash of substance that's illegal in Denmark.
According The Danish embassy (http://twitter.com/#!/denmarkinuk/status/73337137566711808) it's not banned, but no one is allowed to sell it.
So I guess we should all do our duty and drop off jars of the stuff at the British Embassy in Denmark whenever we visit.
I used to get it "smuggled" into France when I lived there - if you're a marmite lover it's something you just can't do without.
Debra: You'll have noticed I didn't show my pot stash.
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