rashbre central: d'vjiff vlieghen

Thursday 15 March 2007

d'vjiff vlieghen

Yesterday, after a slightly chaotic early evening shopping for replacements because of lost luggage, four of us headed for a recommended restaurant, but it was full. After wandering past a few herbally charged koffie shops and psychedelic mushroom vendors, we found an enjoyable subsitute brasserie for the evening.
And then, tonight, by complete co-incidence, Desiree had booked eight of us a table at the exact restaurant we'd not been able to visit yesterday.
five flies
So we enjoyed the "Five Flies" which is a rambling dining institution spanning five adjoining Golden Age houses.

There's real Rembrandt etchings, wooden jenever gin barrels as well as crystal and armor collections.

There was a 'surprise' menu which suited our lively group just fine and included mainly Dutch cuisine with local, fresh, and organic ingredients. A raucous and fun evening!

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