Sunday, 29 January 2023
Monday, 23 January 2023
Spiv kit - special offer

Today's special offer, available in three (count 'em) colours - The Spiv Kit. Designed for all con operators, featuring selective memory, denial, remonstration and obfuscation. It's a bargain in all situations, creating ways for money to be stuffed in the safe, as nailed by today's Grauniad cartoon.
Saturday, 21 January 2023
人工知能 Artificial Intelligence

Friday, 20 January 2023
Buzzword compliance for 2023
Thursday, 12 January 2023
Get the Party Started?
Wednesday, 11 January 2023
Cozy Crime
I decided to set it around where I live, but to change the names of places to protect the innocent. I've loosely based the format on an Agatha Christie, but by Part 2 it starts to drift into more familiar Ed Adams territory.
There are early signals of this because the mansion where it is set, 'Magister Grange', has a helipad. It's also got a large cast, in the way of some Agatha novels. So many that I have to keep a printout by the side of me when I'm writing.
I suppose I could have finished it in 2022, but instead it will be a new style of my novel ready to grace 2023.
Tuesday, 10 January 2023
Yet yesterday I was suited, in corporate offices, in discussion using Powerpoint and having proper minutes.
In unrelated activity I'm still on the clock about my latest novel - Cozy - too.
And later today I go out to help set up the AV for a presentation. and then next week I'm running a film show for German Speakers. Kein Problem, as they say.
I received a reminder from my podcast service today. I realise I've stalled part way through 'The Circle' and there are a few people who want to know what happens next. I guess I'll have to restart that again, although my listeners are somewhat limited in numbers.
Somehow I'm also keeping my cycling going (not yesterday though). Instead, on foot, I got wet from the horizontal rain around Exeter,
Still, if I can be 91 miles ahead of pace, then I'm not doing so badly. I realised, by looking at 2019, that my targets in miles were: Blue 1000, Silver 2000, Gold 3000, Platinum 4000.
So I received an immediate upgrade from Blue to Silver, having achieved around 2,200 miles last year.
I know it's only my own daft targets, but it still makes me feel better.