rashbre central: Brazen.

Tuesday 12 March 2019


It's more than a month since I checked the brexibabble but it seems to be roughly where it was before, save a few sidebar embellishments.

Except for the ground rush effect, of course.

According to the note from Attorney General Geoffrey Cox, Mrs May's revisions don't really change anything on the sealed Withdrawal Agreement.

Notice though, that it is somewhat buried within a 'However' at Point 19. The pound has started to fall again. The whole shebang is more about Tory politics than 'the good of the people'.

It should be game over, but continued fact distortions are appearing from all sides. Some are brazen lies.

Mrs May thinks there's still all to play for with her last minute twists, and a few of the schemers with big money and power outcomes from this will continue to tilt the board to their advantage. Where there's muck there's brazen brass.

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