rashbre central: let them eat cake (but #nobribes)

Sunday 30 September 2018

let them eat cake (but #nobribes)

How wrong can one be? I predicted a few days ago that the bribes would be starting around now related to Brexit.

My paltry doughnuts were clearly not visionary enough.

Admittedly I'd already spotted the cheap tax regime to be offered to foreign investors by the Tories. I'd even commented about the equivalent of 'beads for the natives', but I'd missed the grand thinking to create a new Festival of Britain (including Scotland still, and Northern Ireland and Wales obvs.)

Why would one need to have a People's Vote when there is the offer of a Festival? Whilst it could be partly financed by the public purse (allow £2 per UK person = £120 million). If street parties were added then the rest would be sort of free, especially if it was held over a long weekend.

The money involved is a drop in the ocean compared with the new outgoing associated with the DExEU and all the new controlling departments. Latest figures are pushing towards a new on-cost of about £27bn per annum which is about £1k per household (excluding the very rich etc). I expect it will all change again though, what with another budget coming up after the conference season.

The Maybot is self-rebooting and runs on a self-laying track. It's harder to defuse than that bomb in the Bodyguard.

But I'm wondering if the whole scheme is as deranged derailed as BoJo the Clown (seen in picture with Top Hat Toff clown) thinks, then what happens? The Clowns don't really have a better class of bribe. Some of them are clutching at vanity projects in the absence of anything sensible.

I keep seeing the one-liner suggestions from 2016 swirling around with some light repackaging. It's as if no-one involved has done any real work over the last two years. All too busy keeping heads down in disillusioned jobs in disrupted departments following disingenuous policy.

It's a well known myth that Marie Antoinette didn't really say the cake/brioche line about the peasants having no bread so they'd jolly well have to eat cake.

"Qu'ils mangent de la brioche"

Our modern equivalent of the cake story needs one of those tag lines too. Something snappy about being continuously lied to around decisions were are supposed to have made ourselves, then converting dubious action into a misappropriated will of the people in order to gather political power.

"Qu'ils mangent les mensonge alors que nous saisissons le pouvoir."

Let them eat lies while we seize power.

Not as snappy in my pidgin French, but wait.

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