rashbre central: the glasses are not half empty

Sunday 15 January 2012

the glasses are not half empty

DSCF1048 Just over a dozen miles cycling today, which can count towards next weeks's targets. In theory I could also count Saturday's mileage towards next week because I ended up at 52 miles from Sunday to Saturday. I won't though. I also know my mileage is not a lot compared with the people who commute by cycle every day, but I regard it as a worthwhile increase from practically zero at this time of the year.

The wine glasses are also mainly empty, except Saturday evening when we had a pleasant meal with some very agreeable Minervois from those naked people.

But I guess my biggest achievement from the random selection of January things I wrote down was to get moving again on the novel writing. It takes a little time to get back into it and I'm having to unpick and rewrite some parts, but I do feel as if I've got the story back in my head again.

Maybe not 1,600 words per day, but certainly enough to be serious. I may just sit in the chilly sunshine and write some now.

1 comment:

Ellie said...
