rashbre central: Thursday Thirteen (V35)

Thursday 8 February 2007

Thursday Thirteen (V35)

Doing a Thursday Thirteen always takes longer than my normal ten minute posts. So I've missed a few weeks, but thought I'd give it a go again this week. Its still version 35!
trafficm25.jpg1) : I spent around two hours in a traffic jam this morning; then later I had to go to another location and on the way back was stuck in another one for thirty minutes. I'd driven for over three and a half hours on what would normally be around ninety minutes of travel.

2) : A side effect of the travelling has been the car turning a sort of matt colour with all of the salt and grit placed on the road because it may snow this evening.

3) : I was also in a long traffic jam yesterday in central London, between Earls Court and Marylebone. In the end I had to park the car at a hotel and take a cab for the last part of the journey along the taxi lanes, so that I was not too late for my appointment.

4) : As is the way in central London, I had to pay the £8 / $15 congestion charge for driving my car into the central London area. In a few days, the zone is being extended further to the west, covering Kensington and Chelsea.

5): I've been out in the evening a lot recently, which has stressed my time for writing any blog entries. Last week I was in Amsterdam, the previous week in Vas Vegas and the week before that in Franfurt. This week I'm home, but out for several evenings.

6) : The man came to take a look at the broken fence. Another few days and it should be fixed. I need a couple of panels and new fence posts too.

7) : The recent scaffolding has also come down as a consequence of the completion of some other work on rashbre central.
orange.jpg8) : I had a replacement credit card sent to me a few days ago. It doesn't become active until March. Something I pay for by credit card monthly then sent me a late payment bill saying my card wasn't valid. I called to explain but they said the original card didn't work. I said I'd pay with the new one, then. They said it wasn't yet valid. After my protest, I moved the payment to direct debit. They refused to refund the late payment saying I should have informed them about the credit card change. I explained the original card was still valid. They didn't care. That little £5 charge will have cost them a customer, because when I get time I will move my suscription to somewhere else.

9) : I checked all of the above with my helpful bank. They said there was nothing wrong with my credit card and the above supplier should not have acted in the way they did.

10) : I've been helping get some of the Theatre 503 information onto Wikipedia. It became quite complicated, because I referred to the recent play 'The Atheist', which then also required an entry. So I started to write that entry as well, but then had to 'disambiguate' 'The Atheist', which is also the name of a comic. Then the wikipedia authors said the description of the play wasn't detailed enough. And so it went on. Hopefuly its all okay now.

screenshot_01.jpg11) : I discovered some chocolates left from December yesterday. I wonder how long they will survive?

12) : I was asked to vote for a specific artis at the Brits a couple of days ago. I have been receiving emails about other artists ever since.

13) : Tonight's beverage of choice is Tetley's tea.

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