rashbre central: primeval

Saturday 10 February 2007


We had the BBC Doctor Who spinoff called Torchwood. It was set in Western part of the Britiish Isles (Wales, actually). There was a gang of around five people who investigated phenomena as a consequence of some strange energy lines and breaks in the space time continuum in the area around their base.

The leader used to wear clothing reminiscent of a World War two airman. He and his group walk around in leather jackets in sort of V formations and diagonal straight lines. Occasionally they have to deal with all manner of strange monster, some clearly Men in Bubble-wrap and some computer generated. They have gadgets to help them and they keep them in their quirky headquarters location which is under a shimmering office location. In the first episode they met a new ex police-woman person who joins their gang.

I enjoyed Torchwood.

primeval2.jpgFast forward to Saturday on BBC's rival ITV and there's a new series set in the Western part of the British Isles (Forest of Dean, which is quite close to Wales). Theres a strange crystal energy field in the forest and it appears to be a break in the space time continuum.

The leader of this gang wears an ex army looking jacket and his leather jacketed gang also walk around in V formations and the occasional diagonal grouping. They do use Torches to good effect in the Wood, too. And they seem to be dealing with creatures of a mainly computer generated kind. A few gadgets have been revealed, along with a shimmering headquarters location. In the first episode they seem to have met a new zoo-keeper who has just been told her project has been cancelled. I expect she will join their gang.

Lets see how it develops.

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