rashbre central: Thursday Thirteen (V28)

Thursday 21 September 2006

Thursday Thirteen (V28)


1) I've been out this evening to an Indian restaurant.
2) There were 10 of us in the restaurant, from Paris, Brussels, Cape Cod, Stockholm, Washington, Helsingborg and London.
3) We chose an excellent set menu with some hot and some not so hot selections, along with mainly Cobra beer.
4) Earlier this week I was in a different Indian restaurant with a good friend. They say Indian food is the English cuisine.
5) I also has a telephone company person try to get into home to change a phone connection. This is their second attempt. The first time they did not notify me that they were to visit. This time it was not the date I'd agreed and I have been away.
6) My car has also been to be serviced. The garage pick it up and return it so the main way I can tell it has been serviced is that it always looks much cleaner after a service.
7) I could not avoid a small smile today when someone told me they have recently bought a new Mac Book.
8) I was given a superb present of green tea from Japan today.
9) I'm listening to Jeff Buckley singing Hallelujah this evening, after seeing it in a German film about a week ago.
10) Congratulations to mar for a year of blogging!
11) is still my favorite number
12) I've just had several really long days, so tonight I am somewhat tired!
13) Time for a cup of tea -which has ust appeared !

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